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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Skincare Tips and Tricks

Before Skincare Sunday officially starts next week, I wanted to give you some food for thought - if you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, how well would you look after it? Really think about it. 

You would surely wash it, probably with the best washing powder and softener on the market, I'm sure you'd iron it so there were no creases, and I bet you wouldn't leave it out in the rain or the sun to get damaged. 

Of course this scenario is silly because chances are you have more than one outfit but there's no chance about it, you only have one face - look after it! 

A wise skincare guru* once said, if you would spend the same amount of money on a pair of shoes or a handbag then you should spend it on your face and since reading that, something clicked with me and it all made sense. 

For some reason, many of us can justify spending $100+ on a pair of winter booties, hell a $100 would be a bargain. But $100 for a cleanser to prep your skin for the day or to wash the daily grime away is extravagant and can't be justified, right? Well that's where I'm going to say, wrong. And hopefully by the end of this series you will too, leaving with a better understanding of what your skin actually needs and better yet, deserves. 

Next week I'm going to break down the skincare routine stages - what you need to keep doing, start doing and stop doing. 

But until then here are a few RR TIPS to keep in mind...

1. Cleansing in the morning is just as important as cleansing at night time. 

2. Use a face washer or muslin cloth to wash off your cleanser, it will gently exfoliate your skin. 

3. Wash your face after your shower, not during. Shower water temperature is too hot for your face. 

4. Dont leave water on your skin to dry, it will only dehydrate you even more. Pat dry with a clean towel. 

5. Don't forget how important it is to sleep on a clean pillow case. If you are a side or stomach sleeper your face is exposed to bacteria that can build up on on your pillow, which could be the cause of any breakouts you're experiencing. 

And a bonus tip? Ditch the cleansing (using that word very loosely) wipes. Raise your hands in the air if you use them... Now take that hand, pick up your wipes and throw them out. Why? Because they are full of alcohol and will only leave you red, dry and irritated. But more importantly cleansing with a wipe is just lazy, plain and simple. You only have one face, remember? 

Until next time,

ajarose xo

Can't wait until next week for more Rosie Recommends? Check out these posts - 

Or headover to these blogs where I spend countless hours (into the wee hours of the night) reading and researching -

Beautymouth.com* said skincare guru 


At 9 July 2013 at 16:51 , Anonymous Dr Batra's Skin Treatment Complaints said...

It is also recommended that stay indoors between 11am and 3pm. That’s when the sun’s rays are the strongest and can have an adverse effect on your skin. Also, don’t forget to apply that all-important sunscreen 30 minutes before you step out. If you’ve been out in the sun for a few hours, touch it up again so you’re well protected.

At 9 July 2013 at 19:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Such great advice! Sun protection is such an important step that is often overlooked in everyday skincare routines. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by Rosie Recommends.


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