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Sunday 23 June 2013

Rosie Recommends Beauty Quickie: Revlon Nail Art Moon Candy Duo

I'm usually not one to write about a product before I've given it a proper testing, but this bad boy has been hard to find, so out of excitement I'm breaking that rule. That leads me onto introducing, Rosie Recommends Beauty Quickie - a quick post to update you all on something that doesn't warrant a full review, as yet. 

Today's victim is Revlon's new Nail Art Moon Candy edition in the duo Orbit. 

This baby is just amazing to look at and such a great idea by Revlon if you ask me. You have a base coat and a top coat and in this instance the top coat has holographic glitter. Say those two words in a sentence and I'm there. 

The other versions include shatter top coats and also neon duos with white base coats to make those nails pop! 

For $15.95 from Priceline, this travel-friendly duo is my nails new BFF. 

ajarose xo


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