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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Blogmas Takes Over Rosie Recommends!

This year marks Rosie Recommends' first Christmas and to celebrate the occasion a little something called Blogmas will be taking over the pages of RR.

What the heck is Blogmas, I hear you ask? To put it simply, I'll be blogging every day in the month of December - cue squeals. 

You may have heard of Vlogmas which takes YouTube by storm when the jolly season rolls around, but I don't want to be left out so I'm putting my own spin on the craze.

December is my favourite time of year and to have the opportunity to share my festive spirit with you all, makes it that little bit more special.

So what's on the menu this December? I'll be dishing you up daily servings of all things merry, jolly and bright - AKA gift ideas, home decor and of course, beauty bits. There are also going to be giveaways as we go along, so keep your eyes peeled! 

The small print - if, for some unforeseen reason (ie: life), I am unable to get a post up I will endeavour to get two up the following day.

I hope you are as excited as me for the month ahead - bring on the silly season! Don't want to miss a post this December? Enter your email address at the top, right hand side of the page to subscribe to RR!

Don't forget to pop back on Sunday for the first instalment of Blogmas, Rosie Recommends style.

ajarose xo


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