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Monday 23 September 2013

Follow Me Around - IMATS Sydney 2013 Vlog

This past weekend was the Sydney International Make-up Artist Trade Show (IMATS) 2013, aka the stuff beauty lovers dreams are made of. 

I attended on the Sunday and as it was my first IMATS experience, I wasn't sure what to expect. 

I walked away with a bag full of goodies and a huge grin on my face - it was pure beauty bliss. 

If you weren't able to attend IMATS this year, don't worry I have your back - in a Rosie Recommends first, here is my attempt at Follow Me Around Vlog.

I hope you enjoy seeing a glimpse inside the make-up world's biggest get together!

Watch my Follow Me Around IMATS Sydney 2013 video HERE! 

Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming haul post, featuring all the beauty bits I picked up!

Until next time,

ajarose xo


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