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Wednesday 4 December 2013

Bourjois Happy Light Collection Review

Today's post is all about one of the best drug store releases I've come across in a while - Bourjois' Happy Light collection. The trio is made up of three perfect base partners, featuring a primer, foundation and a concealer.

Bourjois constantly bring it with their affordable offerings and maybe it's due to their French heritage, but their formulations are spot on and this collection is no exception.

Let's tackle this in order of application, shall we?

First up - primer. I'm not the most loyal when it comes to primers. I like the idea of their purpose but to be quite frank, I usually can't be bothered. This particular one drew me in for its illuminating properties and thankfully it doesn't turn your face into a disco ball. The result is a subtle glow under your foundation and also holds everything in place that little bit longer. No complaints here.

Foundation time. Ahh, this foundation is such a winner. A gel like formula that simply glides onto the skin and blends seamlessly, this offering may even trump the Bourjois cult favourite, Healthy Mix (another personal fav). The only downside is the lack of colour range. I do find it runs darker than other Bourjois bases, so for pasty white gals like myself, you will need to pick up shade 51 and blend, blend, blend. Everyone else, you'll be fine.

Last up, concealer. Boy, this stuff hides it all. My skin has decided to have a slight freak out lately and this has been my saviour. The thick, but not cakey formula has worked really well when dabbed on top of the direct area I've wanted to cover, blend out with a fluffy brush to hide harsh edges and voila, pimple gone!

If you are in the market for any base products, I highly recommend checking these options out at your local Priceline.

Until tomorrow,

ajarose xo

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