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Monday 2 December 2013

Christmas Party Beauty Essentials

I'm sure you have all started to receive the flood of Christmas party invitations that come with the territory this time of year. So today's post is all about the festive essentials, beauty edition.

A Christmas party is the perfect excuse to bust out the glitter and the brighter shades of lippy in your stash that might not be on regular rotation in your everyday wardrobe. 

You've probably heard the makeup 'rule' - either have your eyes the feature, or your lips, not both. December rolls around and I say throw that out the window!

Now ladies I don't mean run to your vanities and swipe on a bright blue shadow and a neon pink lip, but I am saying there is a way of making both work

In my opinion there is nothing more festive than a golden sheen across the eyes and a bright pop on the lips. It's all about picking shades that enhance the other, as opposed to the blue shadow and neon lipstick opinion, that will only fight each other for attention. 

So what are my picks for the festive partay season? A higher end and a budget option follow...

(Top left to right - Woodwinked, Sepia Sparkle, Lady Danger, Who Wore it Red-er)

1. MAC, 'Woodwinked' eyeshadow - This was one of my first MAC shadows and boy is it a beauty. Perfect for all over the lid, in the inner corner or used as a highlight in the middle of lid, this shade has Christmas written all over it. 

2. L'Oreal, 'Sepia Sparkle' eyeshadow - A much loved edition in my collection, this shadow gives the most perfect golden goddess gloss to your lids, with minimal fuss. My tip? Dip your brush in a little bit of water before packing the colour on, applying this eyeshadow wet gives an even more intense colour payoff. 

3. MAC, 'Lady Danger' lipstick - One of MAC's most popular shades, this lipstick has some serious punch. It is a matte formula so it's a much better pick than a high shine lipstick if you will be eating and drinking at your Chrissie party (nothing will transfer throughout the night). But matte formulas mean you need to exfoliate your lips before application so not to enhance any nasty dry bits. If you want to make a statement this season, this is the colour for you.

4. Maybelline Colour Whisper, 'Who Wore it Red-er' lip balm - A new release from Maybelline and I have to say I am very impressed. The application on this lip balm/lipstick/lipgloss hybrid makes it a dream to apply and feel like you have nothing on the lips at all. Don't want to worry if you have lippy on your teeth all night? This is the pick for you!

This is your opportunity to have fun with your makeup if you are a little more reserved all year, so throw the makeup manual out the window and go for it!

Want to know what today's Ciate pick was? A very fitting red for today's post call called, Boudoir...

Until tomorrow,

ajarose xo

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