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Monday 9 December 2013

The RR Christmas Gift Guide - FOR HIM

Welcome back to Blogmas ladies and gents. Sorry for the lapse of posts over the weekend, you know that thing called work? Well I had it and when I got home I was sleepy. Soz.

Back to it and this week I'm excited to tell you the Rosie Recommends Gift Guide is taking over and I've decided to feature not only gifts for her but also for him

Five ideas for both the ladies and the fellas in your life, from different price points and categories. 

Let's crack into it with the dudes shall we?

Who: Dad, Brother, Boyfriend
Category: Beauty

Unfortunately my boyfriend isn't into the whole manscaping thing (I'm slowly chipping away though), so if your fella is anything like mine he'd look at a tube of moisturiser like a foreign object. 

BUT the one product he will delve into that falls under the beauty category is, fragrance. 

I have to admit he has taste when it comes to cologne, damn expensive taste to be exact.

The fragrance he sports and the one I recommend as the perfect luxe gift is Tom Ford, Tobacco Vanille.

The idea behind the fragrance was to modernise the old-world men's clubs and the result is a smooth blend of aromatic spice notes including ginger, anise, tobacco flower, clove and vanilla. 

As my boyfriend puts it ''it's one of the best smells, ever.''

This is the gift for the masculine man in your life, that can also appreciate the finer things. 

Tom Ford can be found in David Jones in Australia.

Until tomorrow,

ajarose xo

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